Location: Tata Museum , Jamshedpur ...
In the first picture, you can see a painting. This was a gift to JRD Tata on his Birthday by a street artist. Nobody was able to understand his art. Unfortunately, only the painting was given to JRD and the artist had promised to reveal the secret shortly . However, JRD was no more when the secret was actually revealed.

Here's the secret revealed. When you place a steel rod at the circle in the first pic you saw, you will see the image of the JRD Tata as a reflection on the steel rod as seen in the second pic below. Isn't it incredible!!
When it's night and you are fed up with your routine life, come out of your world to the open, wide ground, just lay down, stare the sky and respire the cool air, observe the twinkling stars, and discover the MOON. You now, try to realize that MOON as you, yeah, yeah that moon is you only, and now you will feel INFINITE
BEAUTY, LOVE, PEACE AND JOY! What? You need me? I am the SUN, absolutely absent in ur marvellous world but present in your INFINITE BEAUTY, LOVE, PEACE AND JOY!
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