No word is unsaid and no world is unvisited when I hold myself a contented my half life. My first breath was my beginning and the last breath is going to be my end, in-between is my reality. Real world has enough influence on my reality, but now I decide to be undisturbed. Love, joy, grief, peace, strife all live outside my reality. With this kind of psychic control I shall live rest of my life being more materialist. Life has given me the most and now it’s my turn to give my best to the world. I’m certain uncertainty; the world is uncertain certainty, whilst neither has the property of immortality. So I seek to be undisturbed, and live rest of my introversive life as if I'm dead!
World is world though I shan't be what I'm
Myth, reality builds it, it's another mayhem
A day's draft is worth a day, life is a swept gem
Fine feelings vanish; enough souls don't whelm-
the dooms, and lied my life behind all of them
Lone land, lone life, moving time is my false mind
Ponder I my vexed thoughts, a cipher in the wind
Nor I'll be back, nor I ever walk, it's a notional kind
Killing the ego, there I go where the life has best bind
with myself ever I live undisturbed, ever world behind